Mill Rate Comparisons
Mill Rate Comparisons
On this finance page you will find information as it relates to the school district mill rates and various comparisons.
If you have any questions,don't hesitate to ask. Just email us.
Below is a table of all of the mill rates for the past several years for the school district.
Mill Rate by Year
The graph below shows the total mills that have been levied over the past several years by the school district.
Fund Mills by Year
This chart shows each of the funds as a separate line and allows you to see the comparison over time and how they have changed.
Fund Mills by Year
Below is a graph that shows the mills for each of the district funds as a portion of the total mills.
Current Year Breakdown
This pie chart shows the overall mill rate for the current year, broken down by each of the levied funds.
Area Comparison
Here you can see a table of the area mill rates for comparisons and the increaes/decreases over the past several years.
Area Mill Rates
This graph shows the area mill rates and the changes over the past several years as recorded.