Emergency Safety Interventions
- ESI District Information-Parental Rights-Local Dispute Process, CLICK HERE
- ESI Family Guide, CLICK HERE
- Standards for use of ESI, CLICK HERE
- State Board Administrative Review Process, CLICK HERE
- State Board Administrative Review Guide for Parents, CLICK HERE
- ESI Incident Report Template, CLICK HERE
- ESI Medical Form, CLICK HERE
- Parent Response to ESI, CLICK HERE
Here is the current regulation:
https://sos.ks.gov/publications/pubs_kar_Regs. aspx?KAR=91-42-1
Here are the updated ESI training videos and resource pages:
ESI: What All School Staff need to know 2023:
https://vimeo.com/847305952/290d12aab3?share=copy Emergency Safety Interventions (ESI) Resources
https://ksde.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ 0GMs9prtzP7a1Se
This is the Qualtrics tool you can use to help clarify if a seclusion has occurred:
Our TASN partners have many resources to look at as well for further training:
https://ksdetasn.org/ksde/emergency-safety- interventions-esi-resources
Also, the mandated reporting regulation also has an update: K.A.R. 91-31-43. Kansas Children’s Service League has sent us the updated training video to be used. It is located on the required training page and is also here: